Implementasi SIMRS Khanza di Klinik Pratama Griya Husada Karanganyar

Ovita - Mayasari


The Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is an information technology system that processes and integrates all hospital service flows in the form of coordination networks, reporting and administrative procedures to obtain precise and accurate information. The Health Information System aims to improve efficiency, effectiveness, professionalism, performance, and hospital access and services. Every hospital is required to organize SIMRS, carry out the management and development of SIMRS. The aim of the study was to see the implementation of SIMRS Khanza at the Griya Husada Karanganyar primary clinic. This research uses a qualitative approach with a purposive sampling method. Data collection through interviews with 4 informants and observation. The results of the study explained that the basis for implementing SIMRS Khanza at the Griya Husada Karanganyar Primary Clinic was in the context of implementing PMK No. 24 of 2022 concerning medical records. The reason for choosing SIMRS Khanza is because the system is open (open-source) so that clinics can add features that are tailored to clinical needs. The implementation of SIMRS Khanza started in August 2022 and is currently running well. The technology used in implementing SIMRS is 9 computers and printers that are connected to the internet and integrated with the main SIMRS computer in the clinical IT room. Human resources who are authorized to fill SIMRS Khanza have received training. The positive impacts of using SIMRS Khanza include minimizing the storage space for medical record documents, facilitating filling in medical record completeness, and effectiveness and efficiency in service. Constraints that often occur are system errors during service which causes delays in service.


SIMRS Khanza, Elektronic Medical Record, Griya Husada

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Indonesian Journal of Information Technology and Computing (IMAGING)

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