Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penananganan Komplain Mahasiswa Di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

harsono harsono


The Service Unit within the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS) is a place for students to make complaints regarding the problems they face when using the facilities provided by UNS in participating in lecture activities. To provide satisfaction to students who submit their complaints, the Faculty of Engineering UNS must strive to improve services to students. Namely by providing a fast and appropriate response to student complaints. The Service Unit of the Faculty of Engineering UNS is quite good in responding to complaints from students, but the method used to handle complaints is considered less effective and efficient in terms of time because the complaint data collection process is quite long. Based on the background of the problem, the authors formulate the problem to be solved in this study is "How to design an information system for handling student complaints at the Faculty of Engineering UNS". The method used to design a complaint handling information system where students use a prototype. The programming language used to develop the complaint handling information system is PHP Native and MySQL database as data storage. With the design of an information system for handling student complaints at the Faculty of Engineering, UNS, it is expected to increase student satisfaction with the use of facilities at the Faculty of Engineering, UNS


Information System, Complaint Handling, SDLC, PHP, MySQL

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Indonesian Journal of Information Technology and Computing (IMAGING)

Publisher: Politeknik Harapan Bangsa Surakarta
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